The North Carolina legislature just ratified S668 – AN ACT TO PROMOTE THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY AND WATER USE IN STATE, UNIVERSITY, AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE BUILDINGS. Data provided by the Campus Greening Crew for Warren Wilson’s EcoDorm served as the case study for an energy efficient building, and was put forth by the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association (NCSEA) to promote the legislation.
This past spring, Warren Wilson’s Campus Greening student crew provided McCayne Miller, Business and Outreach Manager for the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association, with information on the environmental performance of the EcoDorm. The EcoDorm, built in 2001, is pending LEED Platinum certification. Though it is commonly known that LEED designed buildings can save up to 50% in electric usage, monitoring energy usage in efficient buildings is not yet a common practice. Warren Wilson students captured and analyzed this data and their efforts were well-rewarded.
According to Miller, "The students, staff and faculty should be proud and share in celebrating this accomplishment – you played and important role in affecting change."